Take a look at the latest spot we did for Marzia DaRold and her "LotoArmonico" studio. It is the first of a small series of videos demonstrating some of her work and Instruments she uses. Soon her website www.lotoarmonico.it will be online too and there you will find some great information on her practice and her work. It is definitely worth a look and if you have a spare hour, DO go and try the "Monochord Table"... Heavenly!!
The tile is a reminder of the notorious poem written by an anonymous in the 17th century for the 5th of november, Guy Fawkes' Day, the day in 1605 when a conspiracy by Fawkes and other Catholics to blow up the English Parliament and assassinate King James was uncovered.
Often things happen when yout least expect them, yesterday was indeed proof of that. The weather was more than friendly to the crew of Monica Mazzitelli, Donatella Altieri and Sergio Pennisi, shooting for a new production in the vicinity of "Duran Pass" (Italian:Passo Duran) (el. 1601 m.) a high mountain pass in the Dolomitesin the province of Belluno in Italy.