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Blog posts tagged in music

The History of GunPowder - IMPROVE - Castelfranco Veneto

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Surely there is a reason for which the Canadian Blues/Rock Band "The History of Gunpowder" decided to travel more than 4000 Miles to come and play here in Castelfranco Veneto on the 1st of June. This is mostly due to the synergistic collaboration with the association called "IMPROVE".
Personally I don't think it was just to promote their musical message or the musical performance, profoundly equipped with mystical/anthropological "flavours"..

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Carlo Colombo 4et "Swing italiano d'autore" new album "PENSO LENTO"

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A few years ago I met Carlo Colombo during an event at "Villa Buzzati", just on the outskirts of Belluno.  He is a really talented musician and I wanted to post a few words regarding his latest project called "Officine GOLOB" as well as his latest creation "PENSO LENTO" 

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PA.MA.LI Project and the PAMALI Festival 2016

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Early in May this year I had the pleasure of meeting Claudio and Barbara D'Altoè. Two incredible people with a very strong energy and huge positivity. They are also two of the organisers and creators of what I could easily say Is one of the most interesting and diverse yearly appointments of the entire Belluno province. The PAMALI Festival.

We spent nearly two weeks in the company of the Staff and the people that makes of the PAMALI Project a concrete reality based on a model that, nowadays, has been well tested and tried by world renowned and hugely popular Festivals such as the Nevada "Burning Man", or  Tankwa Karoo Park "Afrika Burn" and many others.

This gem of entertainment this year took place (for the second time actually) at Passo San Boldo (northern Italy). A great artistic mix of excellent level with Music Bands of National and International character, Painters, sculptors, Dancers and generally pure Creative FUN!  

Even if our presence was not finalized at taking photos of the event, I could not resist in making at least a few and so, below you will find a selection of shots that will tell you a little about the "before", "during" and "After" the Festival as 2Picture has seen it.


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Biogroove Water Music

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It has been a while since we wrote something here. Busy months those of winter and here we would like to show you a short clip that we did with BioGroove sometime ago.

It was done during a visit to Sicily last year and it will be part of a short that is still work in progress. We hope to be able to show it to you soon. In the meantime we hope you enjoy this little gem.

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Memorial Saverio Occhi 2013, Val Grande

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A little late I finally got around fixin' up some shots taken during the "Saverio Occhi" memorial held on the 1st of September 2013 at the omonimous Mountain Hut "Capanna Saverio Occhi" in Val Grande, Brescia.

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