
2Picture MediA NEWS


Luca Zupo | A Rocking Theater in Bologna

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Last week I had the pleasure to meet Luca Zupo class 1987. It all happened because a friend we had in common put us in touch as Luca was looking for someone to help him with a few pictures and some quick video to shoot during a brief tour he is doing wth his band across northern and central Italy.


The tour, he explained, would serve the purpose of promoting some of his new songs part of an upcoming album, one of which, "SOGNI" (DREAMS) will be out soon on many of the known platforms online such as Spotify etc. So last week off we went to Bologna and to be precise in San Giovanni in Persiceto where he performed as a Guest during a contest for emerging artist that took place in a really pretty theater right in the center of the small touwn just outside Bologna. The theater that was rebuilt in the second half of the 18th century is a really cosy venue that was perfect for the pop-rock and soft ballads that Luca and his band presented.


Luca is planning 3 more dates and the next one will be in Genova on the 2nd of July. For info check his official Instagram page @lucazupo
Other than being an outstanding performer, with a true artistic aura around him, he is also a writer and he published a book in november 2018 titled "Il ritratto del resto del corpo" (A portrait of the rest of the Body). You can buy the book on the Feltrinelli online store by clicking HERE  or on the Mondadori store by clicking HERE.

Do Andrids Dream of Electric SHEEP ?

It was a really good time with Luca and his Band ( @mattia_filippetto @ramon @leonecitvale @_albegatti_ ) and to be honest in a society where dreams are constantly repressed and people are forced more than ever to follow strict rules and directions, it is a refreshing sight to see young artists still believing in following their hearts an passions... regardless. So .. to the Question, Do Androids dream of Electric sheep (Philip K. Dick 1968) I would definitely answer .... THEY SHOULD !!

Keep your dreams alive more than ever and keep an eye on this emerging talented artist and his upcoming dates, in the meantime I leave you with a few shots I took during the performance at the Theater in San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) and if you like them share a little social love by liking and following our Facebook Page here :  https://www.facebook.com/2picture ,





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