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50 Shades of "Grigio Scarlatto" | a Night @ IMPROVE
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And as it goes on an average friday evening, the best course of action when in doubt is ... IMPROVE yourself. This time I thought I would just say hi, listen to the band for 20 minutes or so and go to sleep but I was in for a surprise. Inde-Pop Rock Band "GRIGIO SCARLATTO" was on for yet another night @ IMPROVE
50 SHADES of "Scarlet Grey"
The evening started a little slow, at least for me, and I was not sure what to expect. Cristian, deus ex machina of the Recording studio "Improve" as usual, gave me a "rundown" on what the guys were playing. I had seen the poster and the impression was "Green days" kind of deal ... my plan of getting to bed was getting closer .. Grigio Scarlatto started playing and everything changed.
I suddently rememberd that I liked Indie Rock ... and in this case with 50 shades of Scarlet Grey. 50 shades between rock, pop, boom bap, grunge, dream pop and nice good ´ol Funk.
A great mix of sound accompanied by the abundant energy of the Voice Giovanni Stocco aka "El Ceo" (due to the "nearly innocent" and very "young like" appearance) Keyboards with Giovanni Battistin (also playing for "Galassia") Base Guitar, Marco Gomierato with which i exchanged a few words where he told me the band formed in 2019 in Padova... and lets not forget the most excellent Drum, Sotos Papastefanou. . (yes he is greek.. orginally)
And so after a numer of final songs called by the public a couple of hours passed like it was 5 minutes, everyone was cheering dancing and screaming when a special guest with Saxophone, Lorenzo Procarione, made the evening even more special. Who doesn´t like a little fucking improvisation. Calamity marked the end of the performace, I must say I really digged that .. a critic to deranged times we live in, a scream as a wake up call...You can read a good interview with the guys on SHERWOOD at this address: https://www.sherwood.it/articolo/95/semplicemente-sherwood
I leave you now with the rest of the promised shots taken during the evening. if you like them remember to share a little social love by following our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/2picture or insta @2picture.me You can listed to "Grigio Scarlatto" on Spotify among many other places https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tck0JaVzfb6UtiriTB6zJ
What can I say ... Keep IMPROV-E-ing ...