
2Picture MediA NEWS


Here is a list of articles regarding new shoots and work in progress.


Laura Ballis and Giovanni Sogne

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Graffiti is often associated with street artist walking around in hoodies and holding spray-cans. Nothing wrong with that of course as Bansky reminded us all, but it has certainly been a refreshing pleasure to meet Laura at her studio in the Centre of "Feltre" (BL) last year. So I would like to quote from the preface of her book written by "Stefano Santuari" :   

-- Oscar Wilde taught us that society often forgives the criminal, but never forgives the dreamer. Now, will male society ever forgive the Woman dreamer? 

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LIVE "Matti Delle Giuncaie" at Pa.Ma.Li Festival 2016

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At PAMALI last year it was really great to see that not only commercial pop can make a good party ... actually quite the opposite. I wrote a small article in September 2016 for The PAMALI Festival. If you would like to read it and see a gallery of pictures you can find it here: http://www.2picture.me/en/blog-news/pa-ma-li-project-and-the-pamali-festival-2016 

For the ones of you that have never heard of it it is an Art/Music festival taking place at "Passo San Boldo" in Northern Italy, "modelled" on the idea from across the ocean of the super famous "Burning Man" Festival. 

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Shooting ERF (s?)

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Last week I was called by a friend of mine (Sergio Grillo). He was asking me to go shoot for a day or two in Porto Marghera. Little I knew of the amazing, industrial settings. This is Venice from a really different perspective indeed. Huge boats, even bigger cranes, and amazingly long trains (up to more than half a kilometer ! ). It was for the shooting of a couple of scenes that will appear in a short documentary called "From Rails to Sea" produced by ERF and executed by latestuggine.it La Testuggine is an animation studio set up by Arturo Leone, Lorenzo Latrofa and Marta Palazzo. They met during their studies in “Architecture” and attending the “Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia” (Animation Department). The Documentary is directed by Lorenzo Latrofa with director of Photography, Sergio Grillo

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SicurLive DROP

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Something new is happening at Sicurlivegroup. Following up on our last week post we can now tell you they just patented a new device that is intended to facilitate operations while remaining safe on a rope. It is called The SicurLive "DROP".  They organize courses on most certifications that are required in a business "working" environment. Indoor or Out. They also have experienced personnel that will operate under the most extreme conditions. Sicurlivegroup.com "The only reference for your safety".

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Here we would like to present you yet another short view on one of the many boroughs in the province of Belluno in Northern Italy. Close to the Piave River.  

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