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Contamination - Art as a Humanizing Experience - Anguaneide at Zephiro

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Last Saturday morning, at around 11:30 we finally closed another chapter of our "Anguaneide". After 21 days as being honored guests of the "Spazio Zephiro" in Castelfranco Veneto we set the "Sipario" with a small presentation of what the future will hold for our mythological and beautiful creatures. 

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The History of GunPowder - IMPROVE - Castelfranco Veneto

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Surely there is a reason for which the Canadian Blues/Rock Band "The History of Gunpowder" decided to travel more than 4000 Miles to come and play here in Castelfranco Veneto on the 1st of June. This is mostly due to the synergistic collaboration with the association called "IMPROVE".
Personally I don't think it was just to promote their musical message or the musical performance, profoundly equipped with mystical/anthropological "flavours"..

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Pochi giorni fa ho accompagnato mia madre a rendere l’estremo saluto al suo adorato cugino, Rinaldo Traini, scomparso all’eta’ di 88 anni. Per chi non ha mai sentito parlare di lui, vi rimando ai link istituzionali che troverete alla fine di queste mie memorie che non oso appellare “articolo” in totale e devoto rispetto del compianto e anche della mia etica. Rinaldo è stato un grande editore, scrittore e sceneggiatore sino all’ultimo, continuando a pubblicare le sue idee e i suoi progetti futuri su Facebook persino il giorno prima di chiudere gli occhi su questo mondo per sempre. E’ inutile scrivere di cose per le quali i giornali e qualche telegiornale hanno gia’ versato fiumi di parole, proverò a raccontarvi qualcosa che potrà magari aiutarvi ad interpretare il personaggio in un’ottica diversa da quella presentata al pubblico.

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Sunday the 5th of May at 17:00 we inaugurated the Exhibit "ANGUANEIDE - MEMORIA DEL FUTURO" at the "Chiostro di San Francesco". This Exhibit gets together three artists, Luciano Longo (Sculptor), Patrick Comiotto (Photographer) and Lucio Carraro (Writer) as well as Beppe Agostini with his Gastronomic Creations for the launch.

Starting from the tale of the Anguane, a mythological water creature typical of the alpine regions, the Exhibit intends to recall once again everyone's attention to what happened during the end of Last October around the Dolomites and in particular in the Belluno Province: a call to the "short memory" of mankind and it's ease in forgetting quickly the disasters that are provoked to the "Mother Earth", through his continuous and devastating destructive action against it. Alll of this causing pollution and climate changes at an alarmingly increasing rate.

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We have spent the day, Luciano, Tomaso and I, setting up the exhibit at the "Chiostro di San Francesco" in the city of Treviso (TV) as I was mentioning on my last post, this will be running from the 4th of May 2019 until the 14th and there will be an official presentation on sunday the 5th at 17:00 (there was a little change in plan as originally it was supposed to be in the morning...) with a few surprises that we hope you will like if you come and pay a visit.

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