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It's been a while since my last post here. Many things happened during the last year and I actually did not get the time to take care of the website. Social Medias are becoming the "way to go" and in a way unfortunately so..  But here I am again.. and hopefully soon you'll be able to see a brand new (well.. at least restyled) website. 

I thought that there could not be a better time to start posting again. Starting on the 4th of May 2019 there will be an exhibition at the "Chiostro di San Francesco" in the city of Treviso (TV) showing some of my work together with sculptures from Luciano Longo and poetry from Lucio Carraro, two incredible Artists that were kind enough to involve me in the project.

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Wishkey at the "Fattoria Tita&Glo´"

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Yesterday a new Stallion arrived at the "Fattoria Tita&glo´".  It is always a pleasure to go visit these dear friends of mine and there are always surprises ... in a good way.

Right on the foot of the Dolomites (UNESCO Heritage Site) at the "Fattoria Tita&Glo´" horse farm this new stallion called Wishkey Van Seadrift was brought in by Christian Husban and co-owner of the Farm with Gloria Caffont. Wishkey was born in the Netherlands at the Haflinger Farm "Seadrift" and has been introduced in the European Haflinger Nursery Project at the age of 6 Months when he moved to Italy in Varese.

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ANGA Veneto, The future of Italian Agriculture

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During the first couple of weeks of November we spent a little bit of time with the 7 presidents of the ANGA association of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy. (National Association of Young Farmers). Seven presidents for seven provinces of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy; Verona, Padova, Treviso, Venezia, Rovigo, Vicenza and Belluno. Time well spent as posted not long ago on our Facebook page in a brief article.  

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FieraCavalli 2017, Confagricoltura meets Giuseppe Castiglione

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Last week we were invited by "Confagricoltura" at the 119th edition of FieraCavalli in Verona. Confagricoltura Veneto has organized this year a stand where a study on the industry, conducted in collaboration with "CGIA" from Mestre, was presented. Confagricoltura President "Lodovico Giustiniani", together with the President of the "Ente Fiera" Maurizio Danese, and the President of Confagricoltura Verona "Paolo Ferrarese" welcomed for the occasion the undersecretary for Agriculture "Giuseppe Castiglione".  Giuseppe Castiglione sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

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Agriculture and New Frontiers

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Last year it was interesting to meet with some of the researcher of the CREA (Viticulture and Oenology Research Center). The Idea came up during a chat with "Edoardo Comiotto" with whom we decided to explore a little more in depth this new, almost magical world of modern agriculture and the forefront of the technologies governing it. So the theme of a new documentary came up and off we went to shoot a promo for potential investors on the project. Unfortunately the Documentary is still work in progress but we are doing our best to keep looking for potential interest from media and financing. So keep an eye on this space.  

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